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When the moon airfield and base is finally can be realized, it is possible also that the space shuttle can land and take off on the moon, using technology from the airport (runway, radar and terminal building) and the aircraft carrier (arrester hook, steam catapult and living quarter) or even modern but exotic technique like rocket booster. Take off run from the moon is easy as the moon gravity is only 1/6 of the earth gravity. Furthermore, with discovery of Helium-3 in 1970s and water in year 1997/1998 enable the moon to provide fuel and air to enable mankind to live on the moon.  
            Even one day, in the future when the ISS were no longer used because has reach its lifespan (in this case in year 2020), with right method, technique and modification applied for NSS, NASA can send man to the moon without to worry of any problem come across. This is because if NASA can (1) built the moon airport and its runway (2) modify the shuttle (3) use the Energia rocket booster to launch shuttle into space, then NASA can transport human, supply, machinery and tools, what so ever without the need to use ISS as the transit! Because if use Energia rocket booster to launch NSS, the shuttle can be send without its fuel being burn because the Energia can use its own power to transport the shuttle to earth orbit, directly from earth! After send to earth orbit, the shuttle will orbit once to gain speed. After gain speed, then the shuttle can fire its main engine to launch to the moon. As you can see, it becomes one trip directly from earth to moon, if the moon airport and its runway are available. In future, there can be many trips, let say 6 times in one year (no longer have to wait for a decade) that will pave the way people travel and living in space, strange and unbelievable is it? Or should I say practical right? When the airport is ready, it will become the most historic moment for all mankind because moon suddenly become a new transit for work, recreation and perhaps new home for space exploration lovers!

Picture impression of NSS landing on moon when the moon base is a reality

When the NSS arrive at the moon, the NSS will orbit with the moon. However, since the NSS cannot yet fit the Lunar Moon Lander yet, NASA still can send the payload by 'parachuting' it to the moon. By 'parachuting', NASA can send construction material, tools, even special and living module from NASA own specification, before sending astronaut to do the construction work or even to live at the moon.  
With the NSS now left at the ISS, it is now possible to send module or payload for construction of moon base. That will be done simply by transfer module from other shuttle to NSS! And this can be done when 2 shuttle dock together at ISS!
To do this, the NSS will dock near the Japan module while the regular shuttle (now Venture Star) will occupy the Progress docking point. Transfer module can be done simply using already available, but modified artificial robotic arm in the Venture Star and NSS.


Look at the picture above. Usually when doing comparison with other spacecraft formerly designed by NASA, they compare it like this, just to show how big those rocket is, compared to space shuttle. You have to open your mind, take a deep breath and see picture below.

Before Launch

After Launch

Compared with space shuttle / Buran (or the NSS) from previous page this is Soyuz rocket before launch. After launch, what remains is the living capsule which is only the size of a family car / an MPV or perhaps a small truck that left to ISS (see the last picture that shows Shuttle and Soyuz). And that what most people describe for the Orion space capsule which, although larger in diameter but regarded as ‘Apollo with a steroid’, simply because it use the 1970s era technology with big rocket at first but in the end arriving in small spacecraft almost the size of the Soyuz spacecraft!  The NSS, which is an upgrade to the original shuttle, can be left in earth orbit without any reduction in size, appearance or any parts to be jettisoned. Also, when the modification, technique and the method is right, the NSS will serve for space exploration to the moon well for the 21st century. So now you tell me which spacecraft is cost effective to upgrade (for long term), modern look, and luxury yet produce less space trash in space? Or you still want to wait for another 5-10 years and more billion of dollars spend for something which most people describe as ‘Apollo with a Steroid’?

Picture above shows how space shuttle caught the imagination to most of space fiction lovers; they even compare it with other fiction spacecraft seen only in films!


1.      The new version of the space shuttle is to add 2 more external booster, redesign the cargo bay or wing to increase fuel capacity, increase fuel for side, up and down thruster for sustain maneuvers, permanent docking point, and change the artificial robot arm position and to change avionics package. This will be done on earth.
2.      Also, the astronaut need to be train for this new and special mission, and also the establishment of earth based NSS simulator.
3.      Once the upgrade of space shuttle complete, it is time to launch the space shuttle into orbit.  It is now call New Space Shuttle (NSS). However, in this case it will need regular 2 solid boosters and hydrogen tank, or perhaps Energia rocket booster for launch to space. Destination, the ISS. 
4.      After jettisoned the hydrogen tank and 2 solid boosters and the NSS arrive at ISS, it will need to refuel again. Unless if using Energia rocket booster, then there’s no need to refuel. This is important, so that the NSS has enough fuel for departure and arrival from the moon.
5.      When the refuel complete, it will undock with the ISS, circle the earth and use earth orbit to gain speed of 28,000km/h.
6.      By the time the astronaut see the moon, they will fire the main engine to reach speed of 40,000km/h. This is possible because of earth orbit speed + main engine thruster and 2 external boosters + zero gravity effect. The astronaut will use flight pattern of the Apollo Moon Spacecraft.
7.      By the time they reach moon, they will orbit with the moon and shut off the main engine. This will give the astronaut some time to experience the flight pattern and to gather data.
8.      After orbit some time at the moon, they will blast back to the earth at same speed. However, it is understandable that the astronaut will reduce speed to match the earth orbit, so that they can dock again with the ISS. Also, in order to avoid any collision with the ISS, the NSS enter earth orbit at different longitude and spin earth orbit, once or twice before dock with the ISS.
9.      Finally, after returned to ISS, the astronaut will leave the NSS dock with the ISS at orbit. The NSS no longer need the usual large external tank and 2 solid booster as from now on, it will dock with the ISS for next mission to the moon. The astronaut will return using Soyuz spacecraft / Venture Star / Entrepreneur rocket to earth. 
10.   Lastly, since the NSS now dock with ISS, the next crew from other shuttle can use the same NSS, left before at ISS to the moon.


With the NSS applied, it is now possible to send special module by NASA own specification to the moon, should a permanent base/ habitat is needed. And by doing this, it will cut the timeframe needed to built a suitable base for human habitation, since NASA can now send large payload, module and even astronaut / cosmonaut for construction of the moon base. With this method apply; it is possible that mankind can ‘claim’ the moon, by having the first moon base complete with its airport by year 2020! Finally, it will mark a new chapter for future space exploration, since mankind now has the first new frontier, the moon.  

The space shuttle on parade during its glory day. It has inspired not just the Star Trek fans, but also veterans, kids, students, youngsters and even entrepreneurs who look forward for future space explorations.
But now, it sits silently in the museum for public display, without people realizing its true value and potential for future next exploration to the moon. Now, it’s up for the US people to decide and to realize their own dream to look and to go further to outer space. And for me, I wish that this presentation can help by contribute, even in just small piece in hope to see again the mankind step their foot once again and possibly see mankind live, work, learn and have opportunity to watch the universe on the moon, (even if I can only see it in live television from my country, hopefully).

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